Auto Accidents
On-the-Job Injuries
Wrongful Death
Stephen Liss
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If you are involved in an automobile accident in the State of Texas, and the accident is the other driver's fault, it is important that you either understand the State's laws that protect you, or hire an attorney to assist you.  The claims process with the responsible driver's insurance company can be complex.  If not handled properly from the beginning an injured person may not recover all they are entitled to under the law.  


Immediately after the accident, the responsible party's insurance company will go to work to protect their own insured and limit the amount of recovery.  Their investigators will take photographs and statements of witnesses in an attempt to protect their insured.  They are not there to assist you or protect your rights.


You have the right to seek legal advice. 


Our office represents individuals injured in automobile accidents.  We have the knowledge and experience to assist you through this process and protect your rights.  Evaluations and Consultations are FREE OF CHARGE.  Cases of this nature are handled on a contingent fee basis.  If our firm does not recover for you, you will not owe any fees or expenses. 


What criteria must one meet to be eligible to make a claim and what damages can one seek

The law may entitle victims of car accidents to recover damages and compensation for their injuries sustained in the accident. If you can fulfill the following conditions, you may have a valid personal injury claim.

  • Your injury is a direct result of the car accident.
  • The accident was caused due to another person’s negligence or fault and not your own.

For a valid personal injury claim, proving negligence is the first step. The law does not allow you to be compensated for your own fault, thus, you need to prove that the accident was someone else’s fault and due to their negligence.

If fault can be established, you may be able to recover compensation and damages for the following:

  • Medical expenses incurred in the treatment of your injuries.
  • Any future medical costs.
  • Compensation for actual loss of wages.
  • Loss of future wages.
  • Compensation for loss of enjoyment of life.
  • Damages for mental pain and anguish
  • Damages for physical pain and suffering